Learn a little about us
You inspire us to change and develop!
We are a team of people of different ages, articles and views, but we all have something in common and that is an interest in yoga.
We are not only interested ina complex of physicalandbreathing exercises, which will definitely bring health to order, buther philosophyandfundamental principles.
Therefore, each of us does not just lead a discipline, but rather professes our own way and style of life.
Start your journey into the world of yoga and experience ithealing effectyou can from classyoga therapy. Later, be sure to visitclasses for beginners, masterbasics.
Indispensable knowledge will be obtained by charming ladies by tryingyoga for women. And for supporterssoftandhealth practicewill fitpilates.
Formore advancedpractice will come to your tastehatha yoga. Plunge into the depths of your consciousnessandknow yourselfwill helpmeditation lessons.
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